Orange yellow white green 2 glasses + caraffe set
KShs 3,000 -
Orange yellow white green Tall wooden Jar
KShs 3,500 -
Orange yellow white vase
KShs 2,500 -
Red Yellow and white Caraffe
KShs 2,000 -
Red Yellow and White Drinking Tumblers
KShs 3,000 -
Red Yellow and white Napkin Holder
KShs 2,500 -
Red yellow white vase
KShs 2,500 -
Round Rust + Glass Mirror Bead art
KShs 15,000 – KShs 25,000 -
Round Toothbrush holder
KShs 3,500 -
Round White + Glass Mirror Bead art
KShs 15,000 – KShs 25,000 -
Sea green on clear drinking tumblers
KShs 3,000 -
Set of two cobalt blue short drinking tumblers
KShs 1,275 -
Short & tall napkin holder, vase, toothpick set
KShs 5,500 -
Single cobalt blue drinking tumbler
KShs 550 -
Square Hanging White + Glass Mirror Bead art
KShs 9,500 -
Square Toothbrush holder
KShs 3,500 -
Square Toothbrush holder set (2) with single white line
KShs 5,750 -
Tall nederburg glass vase with sea green + white
KShs 2,500 -
Tall nederburg glass vase with white line at the bottom
KShs 2,500 -
Tanqueray ten tumblers
KShs 4,500 -
Tear drop olive green flower vase with sea green circle print
KShs 2,500 -
Tear drop olive green flower vase with single white circle
KShs 2,500 -
Tear drop olive green flower vase with white circles
KShs 2,500 -
Textured large diamond black glass vase
KShs 2,750 -
Two tall green drinking tumblers with single sea green line
KShs 1,750 -
Upcycled Jagermeister Glass Platter
KShs 2,000 -
White yellow geo print flower vase
KShs 2,500 -
Yellow + Blue Glass bowl/ Holder
KShs 2,000